The Ole Ball Game

Around the infield with baserunner

by Rick A

Rick A. submitted:Player at every infield position including catcher.

Base runner at 1st base. Coach hits a ground ball to SS, runner goes on contact all the way home.

SS throws to 1B who holds the bag for the out, comes off bag and throws to 3B, who puts down tag while avoiding runner who may be there by then, and throws to 2b who puts down tag, pivots and throws home where catcher and runner have play at home.

Runner must slide at home, catcher can't block plate. Point goes to offense if safe. Defense if out.

Next runner up. 1st team to 5 wins, then switch fielders and runners. Teaches proper base running (hitting inside corners ) and on defense getting rid of ball quickly and making good throws.

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Mar 29, 2015
Good multi purpose drill
by: Rick,

Rick, looks like a good multi purpose drill. Base running, fielding, throwing, making tags, team work, all great things to accomplish in one drill.

You also have the ability to change out groups, and allow players to learn the aspects of all positions.

It is often overlooked on the youth level that players need to learn all of the positions, and how they work.

A shortstop at the LL level may become a second baseman or a outfielder as he moves through the system. The more versatility a player has, the more value he has to his team. That translates to stability for the player, strength to the team.

Thank you for sharing. Love to see those multi purpose drills coaches come up with. You are on the right track.

Yours in baseball,


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