The Ole Ball Game

Baseballs during a game

by Matthew
(Seahawk nation)

Harvey The Rabbit Baseball Delivery 1969

Harvey The Rabbit Baseball Delivery 1969

Matthew asked: What happens if an umpire runs out of baseballs?

Rick answered: Matthew, thank you for your question.

New baseballs are kept in the home teams dugout.

One of the bat-boys generally will run out to the plate umpire when he signals he needs more.

In the photo above, an interesting experiment by the Oakland A's owner, Charlie Finley in 1969.

They created Harvey The Rabbit machine, which was underground. The plate umpire would go over, step on a a device to raise Harvey, umpire would take the number he needed, then lower the device.

Yours in baseball,


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Aug 24, 2016

by: Rick,

Generally speaking, MLB games use 100 or so baseballs per game.

They never run out of new balls, as they always have new ones on hand.

Yours in baseball,


Aug 17, 2016
New baseballs
by: Matthew

What happens if there was no more new baseballs

Aug 15, 2016
Harvey the Rabbit
by: Mark Nelson

I remember this when the Athletics were still in KC

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