Batter swings and misses third strike ball bounces off catchers shin guard and rolls in dugout. How many if any extra bases does the batter receive?
Anonymous asked: Batter swings and miss third strike.
Ball bounces off catchers shin guard and rolls in dugout.
Does the batter get and extra base?
Rick answered: Thank you for your question.
Rule 6.09 Batter becomes a runner when...b) the third strike called by the umpire is not caught, providing first base is unoccupied or first base is occupied with 2 outs.
7.05...h) one base if a ball, pitched to the batter, or thrown from the pitcher's plate to a base to catch a runner, goes into a stand or a bench, or over or through a field fence or backstop. The ball is dead.
Approved ruling: When a wild pitch or passed ball goes through or by the catcher, or deflects off the catcher and goes directly into the dugout, stands, above the break, or anywhere the ball is dead, the awarding of bases shall be one.
Yours in baseball,