Can a pitcher throw to a base from the windup position
by Bob Unger
(Fairport NY)
Establishing The Time Of The Pitch
Bob asked: A runner is on third base, the pitcher starts his motion from the wind up position after coming to a stop, he throws to third base to pick off the runner.
Can a pitcher throw to a base from the windup position?
Rick answered: Bob, thank you for your question.
Pitchers are very limited on what they can do from the windup position.
It is possible to throw to a base from the windup position, but it has to happen prior to starting into their windup.
It also requires that the pitcher step back off the pitcher's plate with his pivot foot.
Once he does that, he becomes an infielder and can throw the ball to any location he wants.
As you look at the image above, the pitcher has already established the "time of pitch", when he started up with his hands and turned his pivot foot, as well as balance stepping with his non-pivot foot.
Once that action starts, it must be a continuous motion to the plate, or it is a balk.
Most all pitchers will work from the stretch with a runner on third, which provides them with the ability to throw to any base with straight moves to first or third, as well as step overs to second, etc.
Yours in baseball,