The Ole Ball Game

Catcher diving to the ground after every ball

by Asst Coach
(Chillicothe ohio)

Assistant Coach asked: Our head coach tells the catcher to dive to the ground if the ball is thrown inaccurately, on every throw he misses.

I say, the catcher needs to try to stay on his feet because he will lose precious time trying to get up in all the gear to make his out.

Which is correct? Staying on his feet or diving after every ball that he can't catch?

Rick answered: Coach, thank you for your question.

For the most part, you want your catchers to catch the ball on their feet. Balls thrown directly in front of them will require they get to their knees, to keep the ball in front.

Balls which are off the plate and in the dirt require that they slide to the side, with a slight angle back towards the plate, chin down on their chest, shoulders forward and glove on the ground between their knees. They are only looking to block these balls in the dirt, keep the ball in front of them. The angle back towards the plate is to keep the ball from kicking further off to the side, allowing the runner to advance a base.

I would be interested in knowing more about the situation where your catchers would be leaving their feet, or their knees. Not sure I understand what you were describing there.

Yours in baseball,


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