The Ole Ball Game

Fair fly ball deflected over fence.

by Ralph Thompson
(Huntersville, NC)

Ralph asked: Rule 6.09(h) covers the case where a fair fly ball is deflected by the fielder's glove over the fence.

What if the deflected fly ball hits the ground in fair territory, and then bounces over the fence?

Rick answered: Ralph, thank you for your question.

In the photo above, if we could put it in motion, and the baseball hits off the players glove, hits the ground in fair territory and then bounces over the fence, it would be ruled a ground rule double.

It would also be a ground rule double if the fly ball, was first deflected in fair territory, hits the ground in foul territory, then bounces over the fence in foul territory.

Yours in baseball,


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Jun 06, 2015
BTW What is a ground rule double?
by: Ralph Thompson

Off the subject, but in chasing this rule, I believe that I have been wrong all these years in calling these plays GROUND RULE doubles. They are, I believe, simply "doubles" since they are included in the OFFICIAL rules, not GROUND RULES. Ground Rules are those pertaining to particular ball parks, a list of which is presented by the manager to the opposing manager and umpire at the beginning of each game.

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