The Ole Ball Game

Fielder's Choice?

by Tanner Luopa
(Keene NH USA)

Tanner asked: Bases loaded, no outs.... Batter hits line drive basehit to left field.

Runner at 3rd scores, but runner on 2B makes mistake and goes to tag up, and then does see ball but finally realizes it was a hit.

He is out at 3B easily and hitter is awarded FC with RBI.

Doesn't really seem fair that it's a FC on a hit.

If he flys out to LF instead he is awarded SF and RBI but because runner makes mistake no hit? Doesn't the official scorer have discretion to award Hit and a Put out 7-5? Weird FC of 7-5 on a clear hit.

Can the hitter be awarded a hit?

Rick answered: Tanner, thank you for your question.

The official scorer certainly would have discretion on such a play.

Giving the batter a hit, on what would clearly have been a hit had the runner not made his mistake, would really make no difference in the box score, for either team.

Outfielder gets an assist, 3b gets a put out, batter base hit and rbi.

I believe most score keepers would go in that direction.

Yours in baseball,


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Mar 30, 2016
Fielders Choice or Hit?
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Jim: The outfielder threw to third base for the out, because the runner had mistakenly gone back to second, I assume thinking the ball would be caught in the air, or maybe just made that mistake.

The other runners were full out headed for the next base.

The outfielder saw what had happened and turned the situation into an out.

The question was asked if the official scorer has the leeway to rule it a base hit, so the batter is not punished for the runners mistake.

The scorer has that option; but he also has the option of FC. By giving the hitter a base hit on what would have been one, without the runners mental error, the scorer can give the hitter what he rightfully would have had, and the outfielder gets an assist, the 3b a putout.

No harm done statistically to anyone. Doesn't change the game any.


Mar 27, 2016
Fielder's Choice
by: Jim (Phoenix, AZ)

Though it's not mentioned what level this game was played at (grade school, little league, high school, etc.), I think the call of FC was due to the fact that there were players running for all the bases and the left fielder had the choice of trying to throw out at any base with the best chances at second or third and he chose third.

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