The Ole Ball Game

has any major league player ever played all 9 positions?

by Vance Merritt
(columbia falls maine)

Scott Sheldon

Scott Sheldon

Vance asked: I was told that no pro player had ever played all nine positions, however, I know several to have played at most seven.

Rick answered: Vance, thank you for your question.

Scott Sheldon, pictured above completing a double play, was the third player in MLB history to play all 9 positions in a single game.

Later that year, Shane Holter (Detroit Tigers, Oct 1, 2000), became the 4th player ever to do so.

Sheldon accomplished this feat on September 6, 2000, as a member of the Texas Rangers. He entered the game in the 4th inning and completed all 9 positions in just five frames.

At that point in time Sheldon joined Bert Campaneris ( Kansas City Athletics, Sept 8, 1965) and Cesar Tovar(Minnesota Twins, Sept 22, 1968).

Yours in baseball,


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