How much distance can i save myself if i run straight from 1st base to 3rd base without touching 2nd base first? 90 feet between bases
by GraceAnne
(Stella North Carolina)
GraceAnne asked: How much distance can I save if I run straight from 1st base to 3rd base without touching 2nd base first? 90 feet between bases. Interesting.
Rick answered: GraceAnne, thank you for your question.
The approximate distance from home plate to second base is 127 feet, 3 3/8 inches.
From first base, to third base would be similar, though a little bit shorter, as both bases are set inside foul ground.
The home to second distance is measured from the back tip of home plate, to the middle of second base.
Running from first to second, then third would be approximately 180 feet, so you would save yourself roughly 53 feet.
The reality of the game is that a runner must advance by touching each base, first, second, third and then home, in succession. Failure of a runner to do this will render them out, on appeal, by the defense.
Yours in baseball,
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