how often per year has a base runner on second base score on a scrifice flyball
by dan harpham
(littleton colorado)
Turn at 3B, headed for home
Dan asked: How often has a baserunner on second base score on a fly ball in the outfield?
Rick answered: Great baseball question, thanks Dan!
The source for this answer comes from:
This site is an open collection of Baseball's little-known records and curiosities.
Runners scoring from second base on Sac Flys:
1998 - 6
1999 - 2
2000 - 3
2001 - 2
2002 - 3
2003 - 1
2004 - 2
2005 - 1
If you go to their site it will give you the details of the games and players involved.
Yours in baseball,