The Ole Ball Game

I often see players not stand on or touch the base before throwing to complete a double play?

by Gary Smitham
(Sydney Australia)

Photo Bill Stanton:

Photo Bill Stanton:

Gary asked: How come I often see players not touch base before throwing for a double play?

Rick answered: Gary, thank you for your question.

What you may be seeing is something that they call "in the area", on double plays where the first out is recorded at second base.

It is mostly associated with MLB where umpires seem to allow more leeway on that play than at lower levels, where umpires are more concerned that the putout be made by contacting the base, being close generally is not enough.

There are times it may look like a player doesn't touch the bag, particularly shortstops as they drag their right foot and catch the back corner of the bag, while they are throwing to first.

Yours in baseball,


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