The Ole Ball Game

if a batted ball hits first base and then bounces out of play is it fair or foul

Photo Bill Stanton:

Photo Bill Stanton:

Anonymous asked: If a batted ball hits first base and then bounces out of play, is it fair or foul?

Rick answered: Thank you for your question!

When the ball hits any of the three bases, it is a fair ball. All bases are located in fair territory.

Should the ball remain on the field of play; but in foul territory, the ball is live.

If the ball leaves the field of play and goes into a dugout, over a fence, into the stands, across a boundary line drawn on the field, it immediately becomes a dead ball.

Playing field includes both fair and foul territory. Any areas beyond the playing field are defined as being outside the playing field ( dead ball area.)

Yours in baseball,


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Jul 28, 2019
2 runners on base
by: Anonymous

2 runners on base, 1st and 2nd, ball is hit scooped up by 3rd baseman. 3rd baseman drops the ball on top of 3rd base, is the runner out??

May 06, 2019
Award bases NEW
by: Anonymous

If a batter ball is fair past third then rolls out of play how many bases does runner get and does it matter if it was touched by a fielder

May 30, 2017
Live or dead ball?
by: Anonymous

what if the batted baseball land on fair territory, rolled and hit the third base?

Oct 28, 2015
Not an out
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Anonymous: A ball that hits a base is a fair ball; but is not a fly ball.

The player catching the ball, after it hits the base, must make a throw to get the runner out.

Yours in baseball,


Oct 28, 2015
Ball hits base
by: Anonymous

If baseball hits a base bounces in air and caught by player on other team is it an out?

May 06, 2014
Awarded 2 bases
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Section 3 Base running awards Art 3...Each runner is awarded:

c. Two bases if a fair batted ball or thrown ball becomes dead because of bouncing over or passing through a fence, or lodges in a defensive player's or umpire's equipment or uniform.

Yours in baseball,


May 02, 2014
how many bases do the runners get?
by: Anonymous

the ball is a dead ball but is it a two-base award? or just one? or what? does the award depend upon where the ball ends up out of play?

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