The Ole Ball Game

If a pinch hitter who is pinch hit for return later in the game?

Photo Bill Stanton:

Photo Bill Stanton:

Anonymous asked:Can a pinch hitter, who is pinch hit for, return later in the game?

Rick answered: Thank you for your question.

If you are asking about MLB rules, starters who have been pinch hit for, or pinch run for can not re-enter the game. They are through for the day.

A pinch hitter can pinch hit for a starting player, and then enter the game as his replacement. If he does not enter the game, another player off the bence replaces the starter.

At the high school level, and most youth league organizations, a player who is in the starting lineup can be substituted for once, and re-enter.

The rule is 3-1: Any of the starting players may be withdrawn and re-entered once, including a player who was the designated hitter, provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever he is in the lineup. A substitute who is withdrawn may not re-enter.

So, if I understand your question correctly, if you have a pinch hitter hit for a starter, then the pinch hitter enters the game, the starter can return at any point in time.

If the starter re-enters, the pinch hitter who had replaced him is done for the day.

If when you said, pinch hitter who is pinch hit for, you meant the designated hitter, then he is able to re-enter once because that position is a starting position.

Yours in baseball,


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Aug 12, 2018
Baserunner caught stealing for third out NEW
by: Anonymous

If a pinch hitter for the pitcher is up while baserunner is caught stealing for third out, can the original pitcher go back in? If not, can the pinch hitter be used again later?

Apr 26, 2016
Pinch Hitters
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Pinch hitters can only hit once, unless they stay in the game on defense.

If they pinch hit, then another player goes in to play defense, they are done.

Yours in baseball,


Apr 07, 2016
Pinch Hitters
by: Anonymous

Can a the same pinch hitter be used for more than one player in the same game?

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