is the pitcher condsidered an infielder ?
Photo Bill Stanton:
Anonymous asked: Ground ball hit to but not fielded (untouched) by the pitcher and then hits the runner is the pitcher considered an infielder if so is the runner called out?
Rick answered: In the situation you described, for purposes of sorting out that particular scenario, the pitcher is considered a pitcher, not an infielder. The runner is out, the ball is immediately dead.
The rule is: any runner is out when he is contactedby a fair batted ball before it touches an infielder, or after it passes any infielder, except the pitcher, and the umpire is convinced that another infielder has a play.
Pitchers become infielders in certain situations. Runners on base, pitcher steps on the rubber to get his sign and prepare to throw a pitch. He clearly steps back off the rubber with his pivot foot, immediately becoming an infielder, not a pitcher.
Thank you for your question!
Yours in baseball,