The Ole Ball Game

Line drive hits pitchers plate and comes straight back behind home plate without

by F Robinson
(Mason Mi Usa)

F. Robinson asked: Line drive hits pitchers plate and comes straight back behind home plate without touching the ground.

The catcher stands up and makes the catch.

Runners on 1st and 3rd, 1 out 2balls and 1 strike.

What would the ruling be?

Thank you for your question.

Foul Ball Comment: A batted ball not touched by a fielder, which hits the pitcher's rubber and rebounds into foul territory, between home and first, or between home and third base is a foul ball.

If a fly ball lands in the infield between home and first base, or home and third base and then bounces to foul territory without touching a player or umpire and before passing first or third base, it is a foul ball; or if the ball settles on foul territory or is touched by a player on foul territory, it is a foul ball.

Ruling, based on the highlighted sentence above would be foul ball, count goes to 2-2, as the catcher is standing on foul territory when he touched the ball. The batted ball becomes a ground ball when it hit the pitcher's rubber.

Yours in baseball,


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Jul 09, 2016
The question asked was if it came directly back, crossed home plate, and the catcher caught it.
by: Rick, theoleballgame

Jim; The question asked was what the call was when a line drive hit the pitcher's rubber, came straight back over the plate and the catcher caught it. What would the ruling be?

Since the batted ball hit the pitcher's plate, it became a ground ball, no longer a line drive.

The catcher is standing in foul territory, when he catches the ball, thus making it the same result as a foul ground ball up either baseline, when touched it becomes a dead ball, foul strike.

Jul 08, 2016
This may be nitpicky
by: Jim (Phoenix, AZ)

The comment talks about "between" home plate and such-n-such base. What if the ball comes back DIRECTLY OVER home plate?

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