Location of Outfielders
by Jennifer
Photo Bill Stanton: Checkswing.com
Can all of the outfielders on a team move to the infield (baselines) when a weaker batter is at bat?
Rick answered: Jennifer, thank you for your question.
The rule covering this situation is Rule 1-1 Art 4: At the time of the pitch, all fielders shall be on fair ground except the catcher who shall be in the catcher's box.
A fielder is in fair ground when at least one foot is touching fair ground.
Coaches can place the 7 fielders anywhere in fair territory that they wish.
The pitcher is locked into pitching from the mound while standing on the pitching plate and the catcher has to be in the catcher's box.
Time of the pitch is when the pitcher has committed himself to delivering the pitch to the batter.
For the windup position, the "time of pitch" occurs when the pitcher,(a) first starts any movement of his arms(s) or leg(s) after stepping onto the pitcher's plate with his hands already together in front of his body; (b)with both hands at his side, first starts any movement with both arms or leg(s) prior to the pitch; (c)with either hand in front of the body and the other hand at his side, after bringing his hands together , first starts any movement of his arm(s) or legs(s) prior to the pitch. For the set position, the "time of pitch" occurs the instant the pitcher, after coming to a complete and discernible stop, starts any movement woth ars(s) and or legs(s) that commits him to pitch.
Yours in baseball,