My son is 11 and now all othe sudden he is now throwing balls into the dirt and not reaching bases and now squaring up the ball while hitting ...last yrar he hit 5 homeruns and was hitting everything?
by Lori
(Dover plains, New York)
Poor Pitch Selection
Lori asked: Son not playing up to his potential.
Rick answered: Lori, thank you for your question.
It would help to have some additional background information on your son's situation.
Is he playing majors LL, and is this his first year at that level?
Same town and league as in previous years, just an age level progression?
Is he getting along with his team mates and coaches?
Is he playing a new position, or one that he doesn't really like?
Does he go to all the practices, or does he not like to go?
Any major changes in his day to day world?
Is this the first time he has struggled in organized baseball?
From your description of the magnitude of the changes in his game, at first glance it would seem he just doesn't want to be out there.
Might be baseball related, might be related to something else going on in his life.
It could be as simple as the change from 10 to 11 has been a bigger jump than he thought it might be, he struggled early, internalized it and has steadily gone down hill.
Is there a pressure source in his life that creates the need to excel, and nothing but excelling will do? No matter what he does, it just is never good enough or right?
I would appreciate it if you could re-submit your question with some additional background. It honestly doesn't sound like a sudden breakdown in his baseball skills. He had them. The age difference from 10 to 11 shouldn't erode all he had developed.
Something is going on with his mindset.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours in baseball,
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