The Ole Ball Game

Runner on 1st. Batter hits a slow roller to second baseman who throws to 2nd but not in time to get the runner. Is this a hit or a fielders choice?

Hit Or Fielder's Choice?

Hit Or Fielder's Choice?

Anonymous asked: Runner on first. Batter hits a slow roller to second baseman, who throws to second base to get the runner, but not in time.

Hit or fielders choice?

Rick answered: Thank you for your question.

The official scorer would be looking at two things to determine how to score this.

The first, did the second baseman have any chance of getting the batter-runner out at first, even with error-less fielding?

If not, then he would give the hitter a base hit.

If he could just as easily gone to first base for the out, yet decided to throw to second base instead, Fielder's Choice.

All depends on what the scorer sees in real time.

Yours in baseball,


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