The Ole Ball Game

Sac Bunt Scoring two runners.

by Michael Moore
(Shawnee, Kansas)

Sacrifice bunt, or a 1-3 put out?

Sacrifice bunt, or a 1-3 put out?

Michael asked: Runner on 2nd and 3rd one out.

Batter pushes a bunt down 1st base line and runner on 3rd scores.

Pitcher fields ball and throws out batter at 1B.

In the meantime runner on 2B has rounded 3rd and scores when throw from 1B to home not in time.

Should this be counted as a Sac Bunt or bunt to P for an out at 1B?

Rick answered: Michael, thank you for your question.

Rule 10.08 Sacrifices (a) Score a sacrifice bunt when, before two are out, the batter advances one or more runners with a bunt and is put out at first base, or would have been put out except for a fielding error, unless, in the judgement of the official scorer, the batter was bunting exclusively for a base hit and not sacrificing his own chance of reaching first base for the purpose of advancing a runner or runners, in which case the official scorer shall charge the batter with a time at bat.

Rule 10.08 (a) Comment: In determining whether the batter had been sacrificing his own chance of reaching 1B for the purpose of advancing a runner, the official scorer shall give the batter the benefit of the doubt. The official scorer shall consider the totality of the circumstances of the at-bat, including the inning, number of outs and the score.

At first glance, I would score your scenario as a sacrifice bunt, with two rbi's, since the runner from 2b scored as well.

You may have some circumstances such as the inning or score that would be a factor.

Yours in baseball,


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Aug 28, 2015
Sac Bunt
by: mmooreblues

The scenario I presented was eventually scored a SAC Bunt with 2 RBI's. Rick, you carry some weight as the D I scorekeeper arrived at his official scoring after I presented him with your original reply.

Mar 12, 2015
Sac bunt 2 RBIs
by: mmooreblues

Rick, thank you for answering my inquiry. I was surprised that this scenario did not result in credit being given for the sac bunt. I did not know if there was an exception to the sac hit rule since 2 runs scored. Apparently there is not. I thank you for your answer to my question.

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