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Team Combination, First and Third Drill; Work The Offensive End, As Well As The Defensive End At One Time!![]() This team combination, first and third drill makes the most efficient use of practice time, by working both ends of this often seen situation, in one session. Run with a complete infield, using extra players as base runners, switching players from offense to defense so that everyone gets work on both sides. Along with the double steal situation, opportunities to practice rundowns will also pop up within the framework of the drill, as well as "in the moment" communication. To defense this situation correctly takes a great deal of practice; but is well worth it. An inability to control it can be demoralizing to a defense. Team Combination First And Third DrillEquipment Needed
First and Third ~ The SituationThe offense in this situation is attempting to steal second base, at the very least. If possible, they would like to score the runner from third base, on the catchers' throw to second. Offensively, the best case scenario is runner safe at second, runner from third scores. Defensively, the best case scenario is that the runner is out at second, while keeping the runner at third base. Defensive Strategy
Team Combination First And Third Drill ~ Tips From the Dugout![]() Variations Defensive Philosophy![]() There are many coaches who like to have additional options available to them, it is all a matter of personal philosophy and preference. No matter what your philosophy, it all comes down to practice repetitions, the process of building confidence. Offensive PhilosophyThe offense has somewhat of an advantage in the first and third situation, as they instigate when and in what format this double steal will occur. There is simply the straight steal of second, with the runner at third reading the catchers' release, and looking for the cutoff man at second base. No cutoff man, runner goes. There are also multi optional special plays, Mashed Potatoes and Senne Loves Dairy Queen, providing some real excitement within this first and third situation. They are very effective and amp up the pressure on the defense. All of these plays fall under the category of, "make your opponent play the game". return from team combination first and third drill to the ole ballgame.com ![]() |
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