Team Offense Base Running Drill; Work all offensive base running skills as well as provide conditioning and competition.!Team offense, base running drill; a terrific way to develop smooth and efficient turns, speed out of the box, as well as group conditioning. Using this activity to polish and refine these skills, makes the best use of time spent, for the sake of the individual players and the group as a whole. While we would all agree that conditioning is an important aspect of an individual or a team's season, the reality is there never seems to be enough time to work on all that needs working on. To that end, the use of activities which have multiple purposes, make the most efficient use of the time invested. Equipment Needed
The Activity
Offensive Tips ~ From the DugoutUsing a stopwatch to time players creates extra interest. Conditioning is gained, while working on skill development, not just a one dimensional running activity. return from team offense base running drill to the ole |