what is the ruling regarding a retired runner left on base?
by joe
Joe asked: Baseball rule regarding a (retired )runner mistakenly left on base?
Rick answered: Good question Joe.
A situation like you described has to be rectified by the umpire in chief, which with two or more umpires would be the home plate umpire.
He/she has the authority to rectify a scorekeeping error if brought to an umpires attention before the umpires leave the field when the game is over.
If there is a question about a rule that was possibly misapplied, the team's coach or captain shall inform the umpire at time of the play and before a pitch to the next batter of either team, or before the umpires leave the field if the play in question was the last play of the game.
Essentially, the problem needs to be brought up before another pitch is thrown, otherwise things will stand as they are.
Umpires can't go back and reconstruct once play has been resumed. Coaches responsibility to bring it to their attention.
What happened with your situation? How did it turn out.
Yours in baseball,
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