The Ole Ball Game

What logo is this?

by Frank
(Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)

Frank asked: Hello, I'm in Australia and am only slightly familiar with the MLB and all its teams.

I have this cap and I can't figure out whose logo it is. There are MLB stickers and "Official product" tags but (a lot of) googling hasn't helped me.

It is made by 59Fifty. Photos attached. It is probably obvious but I have hit a wall. Any help would be great. cheers Frank

Rick answered: Frank, thank you for your question.

Enhanced the tag photo you sent. I don't see anything on that which would identify it as MLB.

Did the same with the photo, the logo on the front of the cap does not belong to any MLB Franchise.

Looked through all their different caps, saw many different types; but none to match this one.

59Fifty makes many versions of minor league caps, but didn't see any like this.

Possibly a Japanese Baseball Franchise?

I posted this to the site, possibly some of our other readers may know it's origin.

Yours in baseball,


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Aug 30, 2018
element NEW
by: Frank

Esteban, you are right. Wonderful, Thanks very much! cheers

Aug 29, 2018
Element NEW
by: Esteban

It looks to me like the logo from the Element skateboard clothing brand.

May 07, 2017
Logo kinda looks familiar, but . . .
by: Jim (Phoenix, AZ)

Best thing to do would be to contact the manufacturer -- 59Fifty.

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