Whats the distance between the shortstop and the pitcher.
by abby
AT&T Park
Abby asked: The distance between consecutive bases on a baseball field is 90 feet.
A second baseman stands halfway between first base and second base, a shortstop stands halfway between second base and third base, and a pitcher stands halfway between first base and third base.
Find the distance between the shortstop and the pitcher.
Rick answered: Abby, I am not sure I understand the baseball nature of your question.
Possibly, if you can provide me with a little more background on what it is you are looking for, I can help you out.
Your question as written is more of a geometry question, than a baseball one.
While pitchers are located at the same point all the time when they throw a pitch, middle infielders positioning is determined by game situations, there is no static spot from which they start.
If you resubmit your question with some additional background, we can go forward from there.
Yours in baseball,