When the 1st baseman is awaiting a pickoff throw from the pitcher, with a runner on 1st, is the 1st baseman permitted to set up with his feet or a foot over the foul line ?
by Michael
(Pittsburgh, PA.)
Pick-Off Attempt First Base
Playing First Base
An Additional Set Up Position
Pick-Off Attempt
Michael asked: When the 1st baseman is set up for a pick-off throw from the pitcher, obviously with a runner on 1st, where are his feet or one foot permitted to legally be?
On the foul line, partly over the foul line, or completely inside the foul line ? I think both feet must be on or inside the foul line in fair territory.
Please enlighten me.
Rick answered: Michael, thank you for your question.
Rule 5.02 Fielding Positions
When the ball is put in play at the start of, or during a game, all fielders other than the catcher shall be on fair territory.
(c) Except the pitcher and the catcher, any fielder may station himself anywhere in fair territory.
On the foul line is considered fair territory, so one the line, or inside the line is good.
Yours in baseball,