The Ole Ball Game

When the Yankees are up to bat some people hold up a sign - It looks like this * what does that mean

by Lynn
(Toronto, Ontario Canada)

Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez

Lynn asked: At a Blue Jay game playing the Yankees last week in Toronto some people where holding up a sign with ARod was up to bat. What does that suggest!!

Rick answered: Lynn, thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, I have not seen a Yankees game this year, so do not know what that may be all about.

If the fans seemed friendly, and the symbol on the sign looked a little like a star, that may have been it.

He is having a good season and their fan base seems to have taken him back.

If the fans seemed negative, then I would have no idea what that may have been.

Sorry, not much help on this.

Yours in baseball,


Comments for When the Yankees are up to bat some people hold up a sign - It looks like this * what does that mean

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Apr 13, 2018
While game is in progress
by: Carl Moore

Do not hold sign up during play. Consider the sight lines of people behind you.

May 02, 2016
asterisk (*) next to a record
by: Anonymous

The sign you mention with the * on it is an asterisk. The fan could be indicating that any record that A-Rod holds, is because of his involvement with performance enhancing drugs (PED). There is a write up in The Washington Post that states "Tarnished records Deserve an Asterisk". Here is the link to the article:

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