The Ole Ball Game

Who gets the win…?

by Pete

Winning Pitcher?

Winning Pitcher?

Pete asked: If a pitcher leaves the game after the fourth inning with a 12-0 lead and each of the next five innings is pitched by 5 different pitchers who give up 2 runs each but the team is still wins 12-10, who gets the win?

My guess is the pitcher who pitches the fifth inning.

Rick answered: Pete, thank you for your question.

In the scenario you created, it would be the first reliever, as they all essentially performed at the same level, and the game lead never changed hands.

Yours in baseball,


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Apr 13, 2018
Most effective pitcher?
by: Carl Moore

Here, the starter is denied the win only because of not enough innings. The win goes to the reliever judged to be most effective.

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