The Ole Ball Game

Who should play in the outfield corner positions , a right handed thrower in right and a left handed thrower in left or is it vice versa?

by bill
(windsor ont can)

Gerardo Parra in right

Gerardo Parra in right

Bill asked: Should a right handed throwing player in the outfield play right and a lefty thrower play left?

I was always told the glove hand in the corners should always be placed closest to the foul line when possible.

Rick answered: Bill, thank you for your question.

It is possible you could gain some advantage by putting a lefty in left, and a righty in right, especially on balls hit to the opposite field, that would slice away from the fielder towards the foul line.

Generally more attention is paid to arm strength of the player in positioning for those corner outfield positions.

As you look defensively at your outfielders, you want your fastest outfielder in center field, as there is much more ground to be covered.

Your want to put your strongest arm in right field, leaving your weakest arm to play left, due to the shorter throws required.

The pics above are of two Diamondback's outfielders, Gerardo Parra who has played all 3 positions; but currently spends most of his time in right field. One major factor is that he has the strongest arm of all their outfielders.

The second pic is of Jason Kubel, who plays left field, again based on having a little less arm strength, in comparison.

All of it can be discarded in a team's effort to get additional hitting power into a line-up, so there generally is no hard and fast rule.

Yours in baseball,


Comments for Who should play in the outfield corner positions , a right handed thrower in right and a left handed thrower in left or is it vice versa?

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Feb 05, 2020
Jason Kendall : Throwback information
by: @t_pric3

Another thing we should probably point out is a piece of information from Jason Kendall's, "Throwback" is that for a righty to be making a throw from right field, his throw will generally run up the line, which could make it more worth while to throw a left handed player in right field. A smart coach could take advantage of this, knowing that there is a righty in right field. I would put a right handed player in left field because, their throws could tail right into the plate so it's easier to be accurate for them, from right.

Jul 12, 2017
Lefty left fielder...
by: Anonymous

Musial played left field a lot, and was a good one. Like Ankiel, he had been a pitcher...and had a strong, accurate arm.

Jan 30, 2017
by: Anonymous

You do lose about 3 feet of range to your non-glove side

Jan 30, 2017
by: Anonymous

A lefty doesn't have to turn to throw on balls into the corner if he plays right. A lefty in rright a righty in left. If arm strength is equal

Oct 13, 2015
left fielder who threw left haned
by: chaz

ricky henderson

Aug 11, 2015
Left Fielder's: Right handed vs. Left handed
by: Chet- Falls Legion Baseball

I believe a right handed thrower is more apt to play left field than a left handed throw. It is more important to take away gaps than the foul lines. In the modern Era, I can't really remember any great left fielders that were left handed- other than Barry Bonds. Bonds barely had a very average arm but had the other 4 tools, power over the 2nd half of his career, putting him over the top. If anyone can remember a great left fielder that threw left handed, please post. T

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