The Ole Ball Game

Why do we call the final baseball series, the World Series?

by fred rosado
(the colony tx )

Sacrifice bunt, World Series 1954

Sacrifice bunt, World Series 1954

Fred asked: We play the World Series in the USA but no teams we play are outside the United States. Also how did the World Series get it's name?

Rick answered: Fred, thank you for your question.

The following information is provided by: funtrivia.

In 1904, Reach Guide reported on the first official "World Championship Series", played in 1903, using a name first coined in 1886 by the Spalding(of athletic equipment fame) Baseball Guide, in reference to the post-season game between Chicago and St. Louis.

Spaldings editor noted that since both teams were already "Champions of the United States" in their respective leagues, the winner of the post-season games would be "world" champions, hence the "World Championship Series".

Spalding continued to refer to post-season games by this name, adding that as other nations embraced baseball, their winning teams would participate in the playoffs, turing the "World's Championship Series" into a reality.

Although this never happened, the name remained in use, becoming shorter as time passed. This was most evident in the Reach and Spalding Guides, both of which referred, over the years, to the "World's Series" and eventually the "World Series".

In the 1930's, these guides merged, ceasing publication in 1941, when they were replaced by The Sporting News Guide, who used "World's Series" from 1942 through 1963, switching to the "World Series" in 1964.

Yours in baseball,


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Nov 03, 2019
no such thing as world series
by: tom gomez

this is all bull shit, there are 196 countries.. i was in the korean war in japan 1952 to 1954 the dodgers came over and played a japan team and the dodgers lost there ass.we better get on the ball and be real. get educated tom gomez love U.S.A

Oct 31, 2019
Football is for the world
by: Anonymous

Yeah Football(Not Soccer because it is well and truly played by and with the feet)is for sissies Anand pooftas and unlike the world series is played by the WORLD!

Sep 26, 2019
Hello! NEW
by: Joe King

I slid into second base and caught my cleats in a sassafras patch. Too many purée their catchers mit on a hambone remnant. Boogie Wookiee. Nose join Europe’s ludicrous Floyd and laminate flooring in a few days. You know what I mean? Sloth was not the only person. Hotel judges. Hello? Hello?

Oct 28, 2018
Confusing explanation. NEW
by: Donald Trump

Still don’t make sense! If only baseball teams from our great country play the national tournament...WHY is call World Championship??!!

In any sport even in order to call it WORLD CHAMIONSHIP, it USA must that other countries participate????

There are other countries around the world that practice this sport but, fit participate in the USA tournament!

Oct 25, 2018
Great Article NEW
by: Randolph Scott

Thank you for settling this issue. Enjoyed the article. Fred, you are the man. All those soccer people have issues. Maybe it’s from getting hit in the head by soccer balls. Maybe it’s from being told what to do by the European Union. Maybe it’s from not being able to defend their own country. Love the U. K.
Also, proud to be a Yank!!!!

Jul 11, 2018
Soccer NEW
by: Winston Churchill

Let’s face it. Soccer is for sissies and little kids.

Jun 19, 2018
Why? NEW
by: George S. Patton

I should’ve went rogue back in ‘45 and became king of Europe. I threw a dart at the map to see where I should live in Europe. The dart fell in the trash can, so I moved to Germany.

Nov 02, 2017
America is not a country, it is a continent period
by: Anonymous

Hahaha "world series" what a joke

Nov 01, 2017
Why it's called the World Series.
by: Anonymous

The first World Series game was played in 1903 which at the time America was the only country that had baseball teams so they were the only baseball teams in the world in 1903 that is why it is called the world series and even though other countries play baseball today it continues to keep it's name.

Oct 29, 2017
Baseball is a joke
by: Anonymous

Baseball was invented so fat Americans can play
Sports too.

Oct 25, 2017
why world sssseeerrrriiiieeess.........
by: Anonymous

The U.S.A is not the world, if the U.S.A invented something this dos not means that they own the world!! WORLD means the hole world involve. NBL is only play on the USA agains usa countries not the world this is why is call National BL not World BL.....

Oct 25, 2017
why world sssseeerrrriiiieeess.........
by: Anonymous

The U.S.A is not the world, if the U.S.A invented something this dos not means that they own the world!! WORLD means the hole world involve. NBL is only play on the USA agains usa countries not the world this is why is call National BL not World BL.....

Sep 22, 2017
MLB Finale
by: Lazarinho Carioca

League competition finale champion should be called MLB Champion.Not World Series Champion.MLB (major league baseball)is not World Lague Baseball

Sep 06, 2017
by: This is the final truth!

USA won the 2017 World Classic, so currently the 2016 Chicago Cubs(World Series Winner) are the best in the World.

Nov 17, 2016
World series
by: Anonymous

I think it should be called the world series because there are people from all cultures involved. They call the NBA champions world champion, because they were the best team in the world. I truly believe which ever team wins the NBA, MLB, NHL, and obviously the NFL are the best in the world at there respective sport.

Nov 13, 2016
by: Ron

Fred, your question is similar to the precipitous problem. All those limp wristed comments are due their just desserts. Who cares!!!

Nov 05, 2016
by: Joe Hazlewood

I am puzzled by this article. Thanks Rick for making a good effort. The comments below are hilarious. I feel bad for Chesty, and those who don't know that he died 40 YEARS AGO. I had a ferret die once. Got his head stuck in a catchers mit and starved to death. At least it wasn't a soccer ball. Ha. Have a good day and always remember that 99.99 percent of the world are spending time on worthless efforts. Yes, me too.
Also, proud to be a Yank!!!

Nov 03, 2016
by: Chesty Puller

Sorry if I offended anyone from UK. I am ignorant. I only consider mainland Europeans to be sissy Mary croissant eating, sour kraut smelling, ravioli smearing bed bugs. I lost my pet ferret in the airport in Denmark. Got smashed to death by a soccer ball. Proud to be called Yank, though.
Thanks for clearing up this World Series mess.

Nov 03, 2016
It's its not it's
by: Anonymous


"Also how did the World Series get it's name?"

Nov 03, 2016
The world of baseball
by: Anonymous


Nov 03, 2016
Dumbass Yank below
by: YeS

Thinks 'Soccer' is only the main sport in Europe and not 99.99℅ of the planet.

Nov 03, 2016
North American series
by: Anonymous

Get rid of World Series name sounds stupid cause it's just states and Toronto should be called North American series champions and I'm from Canada don't like blue jays base ball is to slow of a sport

Nov 03, 2016
World Series name
by: Anonymous

Still doesn't make any sense, sort of a lame explanation
Somebody coined the name World Series but really doesn't explain why world and not USA series or whatever the world is not participating

Nov 03, 2016
Euro Creeps
by: Chesty Puller

You bunch of sissie Europreans!! America is the world. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA. Stick your soccer ball up your sissy Mary hole in the bum.

Nov 03, 2016
by: Harry Franks

Thanks for the research and solid answer. When the ball is over the plate make sure. I have fanned the game for awhile. My World Series team is the best time whenever you and how. Benny is the man! Plagiarism

Oct 27, 2016
Oy Vey
by: Louisville

This is a sham. Jose Caneco taking one off the head in the mistake by the lake. What in the world is Toopee talking about. Really, do any of us on here have a life?

Oct 25, 2016
World series
by: Anonymous

Does not make any sense. Should be called North America series.

Oct 25, 2016
by: Dodger Fan

Hey Toopee are you referring to Rick's answer?

Oct 25, 2016
by: Benny Toopee

What a butcher job!! Plagiarism to the fullest. How can you call yourself an expert on baseball? You just urinated on Babe Ruth. Get your facts straight and then get a life!!
Yours in Baseball,
What an amazing idiotic idea.

Oct 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Of course the US is America is the World. Well that's the plan isn't it?

Oct 23, 2016
by: Anonymous

Of course the US is America is the World. Well that's the plan isn't it?

Oct 18, 2016
I agree
by: Dodger Fan

I love baseball. I regularly have arguments with other fans about the name of The Tile when you win the WS. You shouldn't be called World champions! You dont play against the world. When you win the WS you are no more than World Series Champions!!!

Oct 18, 2016
Nor is it America
by: Anonymous

The USA is also not America, for those so smartly praching that America is not the World.

Oct 11, 2016
Baseball sucks
by: Anonymous

Baseballs sucks. It has so little action. Basically one guy throws to another for 75% of the game. It will never be in the olympics because even though many countries now play it, half the players take steroids and won't be admitted

Oct 23, 2015
Is this right
by: Anonymous

I heard it was called the World Series because it was sponsored by the World news paper

Oct 22, 2015
Deal with it?
by: Anonymous

Sorry to burst your bubble baseball fans, but in reality all "World Series" winners have never been world champions. As much as you want to believe it. It is an unearned title. When it becomes am event that other countries participate in, then you can claim the title. Did the Mets beat a team in Japan or Venezuela or a team from Africa? In 2014 Germany beat Argentina and became "World Champs" in the soccer "World Cup" over 110 countries countries participated until it was narrowed down to 2 teams. That is a world championship people. When it is between only cities in the USA and Canada. That is not the world.Unless you tell me it started with at least 50 countries, and a team from USA makes it to the end. Then you can pat yourselves in the back. Until then whichever team wins are the best in USA only, not the world. World champs? What a joke!

Oct 18, 2015
Deal with it....
by: Markojay....

Hey Anonymous,

At the time the name World Series was coined no other countries played baseball, so technically it was the only baseball championship of the World, and they're
not going to change the name now... I suggest you deal with it and worry about more important issues.

Sep 26, 2015
Change the name
by: Anonymous

Yes it's time to change the name, cause America is NOT the world, and they do NOT play against any other's more like Major league final champions ....

May 28, 2015
America not world
by: Anonymous

Just to let you know, America isn't the world

Dec 04, 2014
World Series
by: Anonymous

Time to change the name to USA/Canada Championship Series

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